Loyalty Program
Loyalty Program
Enhance your experience at AlmaLusa Hotels by signing up for our loyalty program. Enjoy exclusive benefits, such as discounts and offers reserved just for members, as well as perks applicable at all AlmaLusa Hotels. Best of all, membership is completely free! Start leveling up and enjoy your rewards today.
Enter the code ALMA when registering through the TriplTrip app to access immediate discounts and benefits

Member benefits
Exclusive Benefits | Such as late check-out, free meals, upgrades
Up to 10% discount | In food, drinks, transfers and activities
Special offers | Exclusive VIP offers for AlmaLusa members
And much more, to provide an exceptional experience for our members
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How do I join the AlmaLusa loyalty program?
To join the AlmaLusa loyalty programme, simply download the Tripltrip application, which is the technical operator of the programme. Enter the code ALMA. Membership is free.
2. How are discounts granted in the AlmaLusa loyalty program?
The discounts in the program are tiered and increase with the number of stays at the hotel. The discount applied is determined by the member's level. Discounts are applied directly to the room rate at the time of booking or payment of the invoice.
3. Can I accumulate discounts in the AlmaLusa loyalty program?
No, discounts in the program are not cumulative. The discount applied will be the one corresponding to the member's level, and it is not possible to accumulate multiple discounts.
4. How do I obtain the benefits of the AlmaLusa loyalty program?
Benefits of the program are obtained based on the number of stays and are cumulative. During check-in, we will scan your QR code to confirm your member status and request the desired benefits for your stay.
5. Are the benefits of the AlmaLusa loyalty program subject to availability?
Yes, some benefits of the program are subject to availability. Benefits marked with an asterisk (*) are subject to availability and may not always be available.
6. How do I update my discount level in the AlmaLusa loyalty program?
The discount level in the program is automatically updated after each stay according to the program's conditions. Simply present the QR code from the app at check-in so the hotel can verify and apply the corresponding discount level.
7. Can I obtain the benefits of the AlmaLusa loyalty program without making a direct reservation with the hotel?
No, benefits of the program can only be obtained by making a direct reservation with the hotel, either through the hotel's website, by phone, email, etc.
For more information about our loyalty program, contact Reception: